Taking Care of our Oceans
Why choosing Sustainable Natural Fibres is so Important

There is almost nowhere on earth that plastics haven’t been found, from the tops of mountains to the depths of our oceans. In October 2020, scientists in Australia published a study estimating that 9.25 to 15.86 million tons of microplastics can be found on the ocean floor.
Today scientists estimate that textiles produce 35% of the microplastic pollution in the world’s oceans (in the form of synthetic microfibers), which would make textiles the largest known source of marine microplastic pollution. That’s about 2.2 million tons of microfibers entering the ocean every year.
The filaments in fabrics shed during washing due to the water, friction, abrasion and detergents.
Although water treatment plants can capture up to 98% of microfibres, the volume of water needing to be processed means microfibres still end up in our oceans and rivers, especially when there is too much water for it all to be treated and it goes directly into our seas. Once there it is impossible to recover, and enters the marine food chain, or enters crops through soil and is then within our food chain and consumed by us.
Therefore choosing clothing made from natural eco friendly fibres has never been more important.
If you do have synthetic fibres in your clothing, using a guppybag will help stop the microplastics from entering the water supply.
The 2020 University of Plymouth study found that the Guppyfriend reduced microfibers by 54%.
Eco friendly detergents and fabric conditioners will help stop harmful chemicals from entering the water supply. Ethical Superstore carry a good range for all your laundry needs, and they stock Mudd & Water too!!